FASANT is a very efficient computer tool for the 3D analysis of antennas on board satellites, aircraft and other complex bodies. The kernel of the program is based on Geometric Optics (GO), Physical Optics (PO) and Uniform Theory of Diffraction.
FASANT works in any modern PC with Windows. Versions for other operating systems and computers are also available.
FASANT is very flexible and can be adapted to the needs of each user. Partial or total services assistance under client demand is also available .
The code has a friendly graphical interface that permits to build the geometry, to show the geometry from any point of view, situate the antenna, visualize the ray tracing, input all the analysis data, see graphically the result and many other options. FASANT can import geometries from many CAD tools such as: AutoCAD, Rhino, etc.
The structure under analysis is modelled by flat and/or curved surfaces (NURBS). The geometrical files are in DXF or IGES formats that can be generated by the most used Computer Aided Geometrical Design (CAGD) tools such as Autocad, Rhino, etc.
A combination of the Angular Z-Buffer (AZB) and the Volumetric Space Partitioning (SVP) and the A* heuristic algorithms is applied for accelerating the ray-tracing. This combination permits computing very efficiently in terms of CPU-time and memory storage the interaction of antennas with electrically large and complex platforms by a high number of flat and/or curve surfaces taking into account rays with multiple reflections, diffractions and creeping waves.
Coupling between pairs of antennas, radiation patterns and near-fields values can be obtained considering direct, reflected, edge-diffracted, slope diffracted, corner diffracted, creeping waves rays and any combination of these rays (eg., double reflected rays, triple or higher order reflected rays, reflected-diffracted-reflected rays, etc ). The results can be represented graphically. The ray tracing, part of it or each component of the ray-tracing can be visualized and computed separately of the rest of effects.
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